How a Viral AMA helped fund a $150k equity crowdfunding campaign

How a Viral AMA helped fund a $150k equity crowdfunding campaign

Our client, a B2B Saas in the ECO CPG industry approached us in the midst of a live equity crowdfunding campaign that was quickly losing steam shortly after launching.

With 4 weeks left to raise $100k the founder was struggling to generate campaign awareness and Reddit came in as a last hail Mary.

After preliminary research we concluded the B2B CPG Saas space was crowded with corporate messaging, however, thought leadership focused on sustainable practices and ESG compliance was an area we deemed to be undersaturated. 

Now we had to deal with a major constraint, Reddit hates self promotion and most subreddits impose heavy bans on anything crowdfunding related.

With this in mind, we decided to move forward and test a viral AMA deployment as a way to escape moderation and generate campaign awareness.

Our mission was to champion the ESG cause, let the entrepreneurial journey of our client shine through, and assemble a post aimed at driving engagement with a converting CTA that hopefully moved the needle. 

Enter Force Multiplier

  • After spending numerous hours crafting the perfect promotional AMA post we deployed it on r/entrepreneur - an early stage community with over a million members.
  • Over the next 72h we relentlessly crossposted and amplified the AMA across 100 plus subreddits to exponentially increase the reach of our campaign.(That’s some heavy duty Spam).

The result

  • Our client was able to successfully raise $150k and in the process close a handful of international distribution deals with clients that found us via Reddit.
AMA engagement metrics
Inbound sales leads